

· 姓名:何林
· 出生日期:1987年10月
· 民族:汉
· 现任职称/职务:助理教授
· 所在系(所):化学工程/精馏技术国家工程研究中心
· 招生专业:化学工程
· 通讯地址:天津市南开区卫津路92号天津大学填料大楼322室
· 电子邮箱:linhe@tju.edu.cn
· 办公电话:022-27404701


· 2012.9~2014.8,加拿大University of Alberta化学与材料工程系,国家公派联合培养博士
· 2011.9~2014.12,天津大学化工学院化学工程专业,获博士学位
· 2009.9~2014.12,天津大学化工学院化学工程专业,获硕士学位
· 2005.9~2009.6,武汉科技大学化学工程与工艺,获学士学位


· 2017.6~至今,天津大学化工学院,助理教授
· 2014.12~2017.6,天津化学化工协同创新中心,博士后
· 2012.9~2014.8,加拿大University of Alberta化学与材料工程系,助理研究员


· 非常规石油分离过程
· 功能界面材料的合成与应用
· 工业挥发性有机污染物资源化过程
· 有机污染土壤修复


· 2016 中国博士后基金委员会特别资助;
· 2015 国家自然科学基金委青年基金资助;
· 2015中国博士后基金委员会面上资助;
· 2014 天津大学先进国际交流个人奖;
· 2012 天津大学先进科技个人奖;国家高水平公派研究生项目奖学金
· 担任Nanoscale, Fuel, Energy & Fuels, PLOS ONE, Materials & Design, Chemistry letters等国际期刊审稿人。


1 中国博士后基金特别资助项目,(批准号:2016T90207),2016.1~2016.12. 负责人
2 国家自然基金重大应急项目“时空变化条件下复杂危化品污染体系控制”(批准号:21656001),2016.1~2017.12. 课题四主要参与者
3 国家自然基金青年基金项目“非常规石油在共生矿物表面剥离过程的界面不均匀性”(批准号:21506155),2016.1~2018.12. 负责人
4 中国博士后基金面上项目,(批准号:2015M571264), 2015.1~2016.12. 负责人  
5 ”主要参与者
6 国家自然基金面上项目“土壤石油烃传质过程和界面萃取修复机理”(批准号:41471258),2015.1~2017.12. 主要参与者
7 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目“离子液体强化油砂沥青提取界面微观作用和相行为研究”(批准号:21306129),2014.1~2016.12. 主要参与者
8 油砂高效提取绿色技术,中国石油化工股份有限公司,2013.7~2015.12, NO.: 113103,主要参与者
9 Teck project:Fundamental studies on oil sands floatation, liberation and aeration,2013-2014.
10 NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) project: Hybrid process for bitumen recovery from oil sands, 2012-2014
11 物理化学—生物耦合技术治理高浓度石油污染土壤,国家“863”计划,2007AA061202 (2010~2011)
12 萃取修复高浓度石油污染土壤及萃取过程中污染物的分配与传质机理,天津市自然科学基金,No. 12JCQNJC05300,2012-2015,主要参与者


1. Sui, H.; Liu, H.; An, P.; He, L. *; Li, X.; Cong, S. Application of silica gel in removing high concentrations toluene vapor by adsorption and desorption process. J. Taiwan Institute Chem. Eng., 2017, 74: 218-224.
2. Sui, H.; An, P.; Li, X.; Cong, S.; He, L. *. Removal and recovery of o-xylene with silica gel using Vacuum Swing Adsorption. Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 316, 232-242
3. Li, X.; Bai, Y.; Sui, H.; He, L. * Understanding the liberation of asphaltenes on muscovite surface. Energy & Fuel, 2017,31(2), 1174-1181 
4. Sui, H.; Ma, G.; He, L. *; Zhang, Z.; Li, X. Recovery of heavy hydrocarbons from Indonesia carbonate asphalt rocks I: Solvent extraction, particle sedimentation, and solvent recycling. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30 (11), 9242-9249 
5. Li, X.; Wang, J.; He, L. *; Sui, H.; Yin, W. Ionic liquids assisted solvent extraction for unconventional oils recovery: Computational simulation and experimental tests. Energy & Fuels. 2016, 30, (9): 7074–7081. 
6. He, L.; Lin, F.; Li, X.; Xu, Z.; Sui, H. Enhancing heavy oil liberation from solid surfaces using biodegradable demulsifiers. J. Enviro. Chem. Eng., 2016, 4, (2), 1753-1758.
7. Sui, H.; Zhang, T.; Cui, J.; Li, X.; Crittenden, J.; Li, X.; He, L. *Novel off-gas treatment technology to remove volatile organic contaminants with high concentration. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, (9), 2594-2603.
8. Sui, H.; Xu, L.; Li, Xi; He, L. *Understanding the roles of switchable-hydrophilicity tertiary amines in recovering heavy hydrocarbons from oil sands. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 290, 312-318.
9. Lin, F.; He, L. (Co-first author); Hou, J.; Masiliya, J.; Xu, Z. Role of ethyl cellulose in bitumen extraction from oil sands ores using aqueous-nonaqueous hybrid process, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, (1), 121-129.
10. Sui, H.; Zhang, J.; Yuan, Y.; He, L.*; Bai, Y.; Li, X.. Role of binary solvent and ionic liquid in bitumen recovery from oil sands, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 2016, 94, (6), 1191–1196.
11. He, L.; Lin, F.; Li, X.; Xu, Z.; Sui, H. Effect of solvent addition on bitumen-air bubble attachment in process water. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 137, 31-39 . 
12. He, L.; Lin, F.; Li, X.; Sui, H.; Xu, Z., Interfacial sciences in unconventional petroleum production: From fundamentals to applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44, (15), 5446-5494.
13. He, L.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, F.; Xu, Z.;* Li, X.; Sui, H.* Image analysis for heavy oil liberation from its host rocks/sands. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2015, 93, (6), 1126-1137
14. He, L.; Lin, F.; Li, X.; Xu, Z.; Sui, H. Enhancing bitumen liberation by controlling interfacial tension and viscosity through solvent addition. Energy & Fuels. 2014, 28, (12), 7403-7410
15. Lin, F.; He, L.; Primkulov, B.; Xu, Z. Dewetting dynamics of a solid microsphere by emulsion drops. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, (25), 13552-13562.
16. He, L.; Li, X.; Wu, G.; et al. Distribution of saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes fractions in the bituminous layer of Athabasca oil sands. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27 (8), 4677-4683.
17. Wu, G.; He, L.; Chen, D. Sorption and distribution of asphaltene, resin, aromatic and saturate fractions of heavy crude oil on quartz surface: molecular dynamic simulation. Chemosphere 2013, 92 (11), 1465–1471.
18. Li, X.; He, L.*; Wu, G.; et al, Operational Parameters, Evaluation Methods, And Fundamental Mechanisms: Aspects of Non-aqueous Extraction of Bitumen from Oil Sands. Energy & Fuels 2012, 26, (6), 3553-3563.


· 无


1. 隋红; 何林; 李鑫钢.一种油砂分离的方法及装置. CN 102925190 A. 2014.9.10授权
2. 隋红, 徐琳, 何林, 李鑫钢.一种亲水性可逆溶剂辅助油砂分离的方法. CN105498280A,2016.
3. 隋红,徐琳,何林,李鑫钢.一种亲水性可逆助剂辅助有机溶剂分离油砂的系统,201521107567
4. 何林,隋红,王君妍,李鑫钢. 一种回收重质油溶剂萃取过程固体残渣中溶剂的方法. CN105925299A, 2016


· He, L.; Yang Z.; Sui, H.; Xu, L.; Li, X. Using switchable-hydrophilicity tertiary amines in recovering heavy hydrocarbons from oil sands. The 9th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-9). Hangzhou, July 18~22, 2017.
· He, L.; Bai, Y.; Sui, H.; Li, X.; Interfacial heterogeneity and its roles in unconventional oil recovery. International Seminar with the elements of scientific school for young scientists “Topical issues of heat and mass transfer at phase transitions and multi-phase flows in the contemporary chemical engineering and energy equipment” (МСТМVI). Novosibirsk, Russia, July 28~29, 2017.
· He, L.; Wang, J.; Sui, H.; Li, X. Application of ionic liquids in recovering heavy hydrocarbons from unconventional oil ores. The 8th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-8). Singapore, July 19~22, 2016.
· He, L.; Sui, H.; Li, X.; Xu, Z.; Lin, F.; Sun, W.; Wang, J. Application of solvent in unconventional petroleum production. International Seminar with the elements of scientific school for young scientists “Topical issues of heat and mass transfer at phase transitions and multi-phase flows in the contemporary chemical engineering and energy equipment” (МСТМIV). Novosibirsk, Russia, April 18, 2016. 
· Wang, J.; He, L.; Sui, H.; Li, X. Solvent extraction for bitumen recovery from oil sands ores. The 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov.14~19, 2016
· He, L.; Lin, F.; Sui, H.; Xu, Z.; Li, X. Mechanistic studies on bitumen liberation from oil sands ores. NSERC IRC Oil Sands Engineering Meeting, Syncrude Canada Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, March 27, 2014.
· Lin, F.; He, L.; Hou, J.; Masliyah, J.; Xu, Z. Understanding the role of demulsifier in processing of minable oil sands at ambient temperature using aqueous- non-aqueous hybrid process. Oil Sands 2014 Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, April 28~30, 2014.
· He, L.; Wu, G.; Sui, H.; Li, X. Distribution and diffusion of SARA fractions in bituminous layer of Athabasca oil sands: Instrumental measurements and molecular dynamic simulation. The 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov.3~8, 2013.
· He, L.; Lin, F.; Xu, Z.; Sui, H.; Li, X. Bitumen liberation from Athabasca oil sands with chemicals addition. The Doctoral Consortium of the school of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin, Oct., 15~16, 2013.
· Lin, F.; He, L.; Primkulov, B.; Xu, Z.  Wetting of Micro-Sized Bitumen Drops on Solid Spheres in Water: Effect of Solid Surface Modification and Solvent Addition to Bitumen. NSERC IRC Oil Sands Engineering Meeting, Syncrude Canada Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 9, 2013.
· 2011年能源、环境与可持续发展国际学术会议(EESD 2011), 上海,2011.10.
· 第四届全国传质与分离工程学术会议——过程强化、节能与创新. 天津大学,天津,2011.11. 
· 中国化工学会2012年年会暨第三届石油补充与替代能源开发利用技术论坛. 成都,2010.8.

  • 地址:天津市南开区卫津路92号天津大学填料大楼319室
  • 邮箱:nercdtxmb@tju.edu.cn
  • 公司总机:022-27404701/4709/7912/7913、022-87402119/1876
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