- 姓名:隋红
- 出生日期:1976年8月23日
- 民族:汉
- 现任职称/职务:副教授
- 所在系(所):精馏中心
- 招生专业:化学工程
- 通讯地址:天津市天津大学精馏技术国家工程研究中心 300072
- 电子邮箱:suihong@tju.edu.cn
- 办公电话:022-27404701 转 8501
- 2002/03 – 2005/03,天津大学,化工学院化学工程,博士
- 1999/09 – 2002/03,河北工业大学,化工学院化学工艺与工程,硕士
- 1995/09 – 1999/06,河北工业大学,化工系精细化工专业,工学学士
- 2007/11 – 至今,天津大学,化工学院精馏技术国家工程研究中心,副教授
- 2007/08 – 2007/10,英国克兰费尔德大学,过程与系统工程系,访问学者
- 2005/05 – 2005/11,英国克兰费尔德大学,过程与系统工程系,访问学者
- 2005/03 – 2007/11,天津大学/北洋国家精馏技术工程发展有限公司,博士后
- 石油化工过程强化和系统优化,非常规能源开发和利用,环境修复
- 化工创新实践
- 无
- 近五年来,作为负责人主持国家自然基金青年基金1项,天津市自然科学基金1项,中国石油化工股份有限公司项目1项;作为合作单位负责人主持科技部中欧中小企业节能减排科研合作资金项目1项,国家863重点课题1项,广东省产学研项目1项,国家水重大专项课题1项,国家油页岩科技重大专项课题1项;以科研骨干参与国家863重点项目1项,国家973项目1项,国家自然科学基金2项,教育部创新团队1项;另外作为骨干人员承担横向项目10余项。近年来共发表论文50余篇(SCI收录24篇、EI收录17篇、ISTP收录1篇),主编《有机污染土壤和地下水修复》,参与编写了《现代蒸馏技术》、《蒸馏过程节能与强化》和《介质创新与过程节能》著作,申请国际发明专利1项,国内发明专利22项(授权12项)。获得省部级奖励4项(第一、第三、第五和第六获奖人)。获得天津大学第五届研究生“我心目中的十佳导师”和2012年度天津市"131"创新型人才(第二层次)及2014年天津市"131"创新型人才(第一层次)。
- 中国石油化工股份有限公司,“油砂高效提取绿色技术的新理论和新方法”(合同号113103),2013.10-2015.12,负责人
- 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目“离子液体强化油砂沥青提取界面微观作用和相行为研究”(批准号:21306129),2014.1~2016.12,负责人;
- 中欧中小企业节能减排科研合作资金项目“大规模化工冶金过程节能关键技术和系统能量集成优化”,SQ2013ZOA100002, 2013.6~2015.6年,天津大学负责人;
- 天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划(青年基金项目),溶剂萃取土壤中高浓度石油污染组分的分配与传质机理(批准号:12JCQNJC05300),2012.4~2015.3,负责人;
- 国家863重点项目“挥发性有机物污染场地土壤气提修复技术设备研发与示范”(课题编号:2009AA063102),2009.12~2012.12,课题天津大学负责人。
- 广东产学研项目“电子工业污水深度处理回用于超纯水生产”,2006~2008,天津大学项目负责人;项目编号2007A090302063
- 国家863重点项目“物理化学―生物耦合技术治理高浓度石油污染土壤”(课题编号:2007AA061202),2007~2010年,课题骨干;
- 中国石油天然气股份有限公司科学研究与技术开发项目:TMP反应器结构和流态优化与反应-精馏的耦合强化及节能,2007/10~2008/10,课题骨干;合同号:DL-2007-J2HT-0050
- 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项“糠醛行业清洁生产技术研究与工程示范”,2008/8~2010/12,天津大学负责人;2008ZX07207-003-5
- 国家重点基础研究发展973计划“大规模化工冶金过程节能的关键科学问题研究”之课题五“分离设备内热力学与传递的匹配及结构/界面调控规律”,2008.9-2013.7,课题骨干;2009CB219905
- 国家科技重大专项“大型油气田及煤层气开发”之“大庆探区页岩油开采技术示范工程”项目,2008.1~2010.12,天津大学副组长2008ZX05055
- 教育部长江学者创新团队“蒸馏过程节能与强化关键技术及其应用研究”(IRT0936),2009~2012,技术骨干
- Xingang Li, Xintao Cao,Guozhong Wu, Tracey Templed, Frédéric Coulon, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Ozonation of diesel–fuel contaminated sand and the implications for remediation end-points, Chemosphere, 2014, 109,71-76
- Hong Sui, Zhengtao Hua, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Guozhong Wu, Influence of soil and hydrocarbon properties on the solvent extraction of high-concentration weathered petroleum from contaminated soils, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2014
- Xingang Li, Zhongyuan Li, Guozhong Wu, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Hong Li, Fluidized countercurrent solvent extraction of oil pollutants from contaminated soil (Part 1: Fluid mechanics), Chemical Engineering Research and Design, submitted
- Guozhong Wu, Xingang Li, Cédric Kechavarzi, Ruben Sakrabani, Hong Sui, Frédéric Coulon, Influence and interactions of multi-factors on the bioavailability of PAHs in compost amended contaminated soils,Chemosphere, 2014, 107: 43-50
- Hong Sui, Mengjia Wu, Xingang Li, Guozhong Wu,Continuous hydrogen production by dark fermentation in a foam SiC ceramic packed up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (SiC-UASB) reactor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, submitted
- Lin He, Guozhong Wu, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Feng Lin, Xingang Li, Distribution of SARA fractions in the bituminous layer of Athabasca oil sands, Energy & Fuels, 2013,27: 4677-4683
- Guo-Zhong Wu, F. Coulon, Yue-Wei Yang, Hong Li and Hong Sui(corresponding author), Combining Solvent Extraction and Bioremediation for Removing, Weathered Petroleum from Contaminated Soil, Pedosphere, 2013, 23(4): 455–463
- Hong Sui, Fei Gao, Xingtao Cao and Xingang Li, Remediation of PAHs and heavy metals in co-contaminated sites with cyclodextrin, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 2-5:1452-1457
- Guozhong Wu, Cédric Kechavarzi, Xingang Li, Shaomin Wu, Simon J.T. Pollard, Hong Sui, Frédéric Coulon, Machine learning models for predicting PAHs bioavailability in compostamended soils, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,223:747-754
- Guozhong Wu, Cedric Kechavarzi, Xingang Li, Hong Sui, Simon J.T. Pollard, Frédéric Coulon, Influence of mature compost amendment on total and bioavailable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soils, Chemosphere, 2013,90:2240-2246
- Shuo Ai, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Hong Li, Coordinative Adsorption of Thiophene with Metallic Silver/Adsorbent Cotton Prepared via Aqueous In-situ Reduction for Desulfurization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (38): 12337–12343
- Xiaoti Cui, Xingang Li, Hong Sui , Hong Li, Computational fluid dynamics simulations of direct contact heat and mass transfer of a multicomponent two-phase film flow in an inclined channel at sub-atmospheric pressure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2012,55: 5808-5818 JCR
- Xingang Li, Lin He, Guozhong Wu, Wenjun Sun, Hong Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Operational parameters, evaluation methods, and fundamental mechanisms: Aspects of non-aqueous extraction of bitumen from oil sands, Energy & Fuels, 2012,26:3553–3563
- Xingang Li, Yongliang Du, Guozhong Wu, Zhongyuan Li, Hong Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Solvent extraction for heavy crude oil removal from contaminated soils, Chemosphere, 2012,88: 245–249
- Li, Xingang; Gao, Guohua; Zhang, Luhong; Sui, Hong; Li, Hong; Gao, Xin; Yang,Zhenming; Tian, Chong; Zhang, Jinsong, Multi-scale simulation and experimental study of novel SiC structured packings, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (2): 915–924
- Yuewei Yang , Guozhong Wu, Xingang Li, Frédéric Coulon, Hong Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Pilot application of SVE enhanced bioremediation technology for in situ clean up of light oil contaminated site, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2012,21(5):1461-1466 JCR
- Xingang Li, Wenjun Sun, Guozhong Wu, Lin He, Hong Li, and Hong Sui(corresponding author),Ionic liquid enhanced solvent extraction for bitumen recovery from oil sands, Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(11): 5224-5231
- Guozhong Wu, Xingang Li, Frédéric Coulon, Hong Li, Jingyan Lian, Hong Sui(corresponding author). Recycling of solvent used in a solvent extraction of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2011,186:533-539
- Xingang Li, Guotao Li, Zhanwu Xu, Hong Sui(corresponding author). New downstream process design for fluid catalytic cracking unit to raise propylene yield and decrease olefins content in gasoline, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2011, 10: 2601-2612
- Sui Hong, Li Xingang, Modeling for volatilization and bioremediation of toluene-contaminated soil by bioventing, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011,19(2):340-348
- Zhang, Lühong; Gao, Guohua; Sui, Hong; Li, Hong; Li, Xingang,CFD simulation and experimental validation of fluid flow in pre-distributor,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011,19(5):815-820
- 20/05/2005-20/11/2005, Academic visitor, Department of Process System Engineering, Cranfield University, England
- 15/09/2007-31/10/2007, Academic visitor, Department of Process System Engineering, Cranfield University,England
- 12/08/2009-29/8/2009, International Symposium on Frontiers of Chemical Engineering,Sheraton Hotel, Niagara Falls, Canada; The 8th world congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), Montreal, Canada
- 19/09/2010-27/09/2010, Academic visitor, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, England
- 15/10/2011-21/10/2011, 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting,MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA,U.S.